Powerful podcast hosting & analytics

By podcasters, for podcasters. Since 2016.

All the features you need to take your podcast to the next level

Already have a podcast? No problem.

Seamlessly transfer it.

Fireside can import your existing podcast from any existing podcast platform or custom RSS feed with just 1-click, without losing subscribers. Although Fireside can import from any valid podcast RSS feed, we have custom importers for all platforms including:

Not all podcasts sound the same, so why should they look the same?

We’ve been podcasting since 2006, and we know how to make it easier. From the link Bookmarklet to sponsor integration and management, automatic RSS feeds, and more. We’ve built tons of tools for the busy podcaster to improve your workflow, streamline your process, and create a beautiful website.

Distribute your podcast pretty much everywhere.

Fireside makes it easy to publish your content to all major distribution services and channels. We can distribute your podcast to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, YouTube Music, and virtually every third-party service!


$ 9/mo

  • 1 Podcast Upgrade any time to start adding more
  • 5 Episodes per Month
  • Customizable Website
  • Instant Spotify Integration
  • Apple Podcasts Distribution
  • Basic Download Stats
  • Third Party Tracking Support
  • Designed for new podcasts*
  • No Collaborators
  • No Guest Bios
  • Website on Subdomain at Fireside.fm
  • No Contact Form
  • No Integrated Blog
  • No Custom Pages
  • No Image File Hosting


$ 19/mo

  • Unlimited Podcasts 1 included and $8/mo for each additional
  • Unlimited Episodes
  • Unlimited Storage
  • Customizable Website
  • Instant Spotify Integration
  • Apple Podcasts Distribution
  • Use Your Own Domain (with SSL!)
  • Professional Download Stats
  • Up to 5 Collaborators
  • Third Party Tracking Support
  • Social Media Integration
  • Up to 1TB Transfer/mo*
  • Guest Bios
  • Password Protected Option
  • Search Engine Hiding Option
  • Contact Form
  • Integrated Blog
  • Custom Pages
  • Image File Hosting
  • Affiliate Support
  • Exportable Stats
  • Recording Notes


$ 49/mo

  • All Standard Plan Features PLUS:
  • Unlimited Podcasts 2 included and $8/mo for each additional
  • Advanced Download Metrics
  • Up to 10 Collaborators
  • Collaborator Role Assignment
  • Exclusive Website Themes
  • Shareable Metrics
  • Priority Support
  • Increased MP3 File Size
  • Hidden Fireside Branding
  • Click Tracking
  • Up to 5TB Transfer/mo*
  • Customizable Favicon
  • Bulk Episode Editing
  • Episode Renumbering
  • Advanced Theme Customization

* High-volume podcasts may require special pricing

14 day free trial. Cancel any time.

The Best Hosting, CDN, and Technology Infrastructure.

Delivering your content efficiently and reliably, worldwide.

The Fireside Team

John Nunemaker


Garrett Dimon


Kris Priemer
