June 25th, 2020 • 2 hrs 10 mins • Download (59.8 MB) • Link with Timestamp
Palmer and Tim are back after the season break for the next round of Academy Rewind! This episode, they venture bravely into NEBRASKA discussing 12 YEARS A SLAVE with PHILOMENA and CAPTAIN PHILLIPS, all to find the elusive "HER." On their journey, they encounter THE WOLF OF WALL STREET outside the DALLAS BUYERS CLUB trying to sell GRAVITY in classic AMERICAN HUSTLE style.
Best Picture 2014: The Wolf of Wall Street, Gravity, American Hustle, 12 Years a Slave, Dallas Buyers Club, Her, Nebraska, Captain Phillips, Philomena
*This episode was recorded months prior to the Black Lives Matter movement currently igniting the United States, therefore, the conversation regarding "12 Years a Slave" does not touch upon the political or cultural climate of the country.