Episode 51: Understanding the Community through Metrics - Carina C. Zona [Part 1 of 2]

January 28th, 2022  •  44 mins 4 secs  •  Download (80.7 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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Today, we are super excited to have as our guest, Carina Zona, who is the Head of Developer Relations for Toolchain, which is the lead sponsor of Pantsbuild open source project, as well as the Founder of CallbackWomen. Our discussions take us into Carina sharing her knowledge about some qualitative means of measuring and some culture around growing communities. Her passion has been trying to increase gender diversity in this industry as a side project on top of developer relations, and we learn what she’s been doing to help advocate this. We learn more about the Pants community, what this project is, and Carina tells us about adding the welcome channel on Slack and the quantitative work she’s doing on it using Savannah CRM.