Atlanta Voiceover Studio

Episode 34: AI/TEXT TO SPEECH: How it will impact VO with Jim Kennelly & Sam Ufret of Lotas Productions

September 1st, 2022  •  18 mins 12 secs  •  Download (25 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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Jim Kennelly is the owner of Lotas Productions. Sam Ufret has been running the board at Lotas since 2017. Lotas is a New York recording studio that offers services in casting, directing and recording. They are also recognized as a leader in the realm of AI/Text to Speech. We talk to Jim and Sam about the impact AI/Text to Speech is having on the voiceover industry and the impact it will have in the future.

We talk about:
Why is AI/Text to Speech appealing to clients/brands?
How has AI/Text to Speech affected the VO industry so far and how will it affect it in the future?
What determines a “good” AI/Text to Speech voice?
What are the qualities or skills we need to have as voice talent for an AI/Text to Speech job?
Red Flags to look for when VO talent come across an AI/Text to Speech audition
What can we, as voice talent, do to prepare for a world of AI/Text to Speech?

Check out our BONUS questions with JIM & SAM on the AVS YOUTUBE CHANNEL where they share
1| How long will it be before AI/Text to Speech takes all our jobs
2| How should talent approach an audition where they ask for a “Siri” or “Alexa” type voice?
3| How can talent seek out AI/Text to Speech opportunities

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