The Messy Studio with Rebecca Crowell

Episode 262: Self Promotion For The Reticent

August 16th, 2023  •  31 mins 22 secs  •  Download (43.1 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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If you’re an artist who wants to get your work out into the world to be seen, appreciated, and even purchased, you will face the need for self-promotion. If that idea makes you squirm, you are not alone --and this podcast is for you. Why do so many artists hate the idea of promoting themselves? Probably because many of us were taught from an early age to be modest, to avoid mentioning our achievements, and to be grateful for whatever life handed us without seeking more. But dealing with the art world requires a different approach. You need to let people know who you are and what you do if you want to advance your career. Today we’ll talk about ways of self-promotion that may be comfortable even if you have a reserved, humble, or quiet personality.