Ask Christopher West

The Third Way | ACW183

July 11th, 2022  •  49 mins 43 secs  •  Download (56.9 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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Why are we "the bride" in the spousal analogy, independently of being men or women, while priests must be men in order to signify the bridegroom? How can I, as a woman, prepare myself to receive the sacrament of marriage and confront my fear of consumation? Do you have any suggestions for approaching our teenage children who have been influenced by LGBTQ propaganda?

Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute President Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.