AwesomeCast: Tech and Gadget Talk

Glow Means Go | AwesomeCast 407

August 8th, 2018  •  50 mins 15 secs  •  Download (34.5 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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Sorg, Chilla, and Katie are in studio this week as Beechview celebrates National Night Out just up the block.

Chilla is sharing the Sennheiser Memory Mic as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
Sorg's Awesome Thing of the Week is a Windows Pro upgrade.
Bonus to Windows Pro = Remote Desktop!
Creation Labs is opening in the Pittsburgh South Hills!
The Pittsburgh Current has a nice feature - with some information about our friends at Sorgatron Media.
Sorg got an e-mail DIRECTLY from the MoviePass CEO, guys!
Parents are hiring Fortnite tutors for their children.
Fortnite added motion control on your mobile device?!?!
Tesla is adding Atari games to its cars - including Pole Position (using the car's steering wheel)!
As if ziplines aren't crazy enough, let's add a VR component to it!
Chilla found a very nice Logitech wireless charger - after he already bought a different one. womp womp
Will you be in Pittsburgh this weekend? Stop by Steel City Con and say hi to Katie at the ScareHouse booth.

After the show remember to:

Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

Want to be part of our studio audience? Hit us up at [email protected] and we’ll save you a seat!

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