Do Life Better Podcast

My Strategies For Overcoming The Struggle Days - solo round

December 16th, 2018  •  17 mins 29 secs  •  Download (16 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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Have you ever had one of those days when you just weren’t feeling yourself and everything seemed like more of a struggle? Maybe you were impatient, more anxious, tired, unmotivated, negative and spent too much time overthinking everything. I know I’ve been there. In fact, most of us have these days, and you’re allowed to have them. To be honest, there’s been a few things happening lately that’s contributed to me having more of these moments than usual. Since you’ve probably had these times as well, or know someone who does, I thought I’d use today’s solo round to share the key strategies I rely on because I know they will help you too. After all, you can’t always choose what happens, but you can choose what you do next.