Do Life Better Podcast

Change your morning, change your life - Solo Round

May 20th, 2018  •  17 mins 4 secs  •  Download (16.2 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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A number of years ago, I created my morning routine and it changed me. The way you start your morning influences everything that happens that day. Or at least, the way you interpret the events during your day and what you do next, which ultimately leads to your outcomes. It can be the difference between you being sluggish, unmotivated, unproductive, foggy and reacting to everything that happens, or it could enable you to be switched on, focused, positive, motivated, highly productive, present, intentional and help you respond positively to all that comes up in a way that is in line with your values. I believe that we need to get ourselves ready in the morning from the inside out. The majority of high performers in all fields claim that their morning routine is a key to their success. Change your morning, change your life. In this solo round, I’ll share with you the elements of morning routines used by many of the world’s highest performers.