Defending Employers

Episode 38: Appeals of Board Decisions in New York Workers' Compensation Cases

February 20th, 2017  •  16 mins 6 secs  •  Download (3.8 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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Two attorneys cover the fundamentals of appeals from Board decisions. Presenters Declan Gourley and Joseph Melchionne have years of experience representing employers and carriers before the Board. The presentation is designed to help the listener answer the following questions:
“Should we appeal the Law Judge’s Decision in a workers’ compensation claim?” and
“Does filing the appeal create a stay?” and
“What are the tactical reasons for appealing the Law Judge?”
“What will the appeal cost?”
At the end of the presentation, the attendees will have a basic understanding of the appeals process, tactical aspects of appeals (stays), and the costs of the various types of appeals available.