The Boise Bubble Podcast

Episode 48: Broken Dialogue - Tools to getting us back on track

November 9th, 2022  •  1 hr 23 mins  •  Download (40 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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How do we handle difficult conversations when opinions differ? It’s been clear for a while that Idaho, and the rest of the United States, have struggled to come to the table on divisive topics. Whether it’s in political debates, or around the kitchen table.

In this episode, we talk with local Alexis Morgan, an Organizational Culture Consultant about this disconnect. Alexis and Shane come with their extensive backgrounds in Organizational Development and Natalie with 15 years of working in social media. We pull many ideas from the book “Crucial Conversations” Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High.

Dropping just in time for your Thanksgiving dinner conversations.