The Boise Bubble Podcast

Episode 59: LIVE from Treefort with Lauren and Scott McLean

March 30th, 2023  •  40 mins 53 secs  •  Download (35.3 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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LIVE from Treefort, yet again! In this episode we were happy to host Boise mayor Lauren McLean and her husband Scott. After sitting next to them at a Lumineers concert and seeing them have such a great time together, we knew we wanted to get to know them more as a couple. During the discussion we focus on the two of them as a couple married for over 20 years with kids, jobs, hopes and dreams, and try to see them outside their typical labels. How do they Treefort? How do they stay connected? What's Scott's perception of Lauren's role as a public figure? How did Lauren jack her leg? All these things and more will be revealed in an open conversation with this great power couple.