Across the States

84: ALEC Brief Filing to SCOTUS: Donor Disclosure and the 1st Amendment

April 27th, 2021  •  24 mins 45 secs  •  Download (20 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Monday, April 26th, for Americans for Prosperity v. Becerra - a case concerning donor disclosure and the First Amendment. ALEC submitted an amicus brief to the court concerning this case in early March, bringing to light what happens when donor privacy isn’t preserved—when ideological opponents harass and intimidate people and organizations because of the causes they support. Today the report authors, former FEC Chairman and attorney Lee Goodman, Director for the ALEC Task Force on Communications and Technology Jonathon Hauenschild and Counsel and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer Bartlett Cleland sit down to discuss the implications of this case and why ALEC chose to take a stand.