Monero Talk

TNABC 2022 with Mark Cuban, Liat Shetret & Nick Spanos

January 26th, 2022  â€˘  24 mins 7 secs  â€˘  Download (22.1 MB)  â€˘  Link with Timestamp

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TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: We grabbed some interviews from a few of the big name Speakers at the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami. Including:

Nick Spanos an early Bitcoin Entrepenure who pioneered the NYC bitcoin center on Wall Street, Liat Shetret a crypto policy and regulation advisor with the blockchain analytics co Elliptic, and Mark Cuban a celebrity investor who needs no introduction.

The conference was packed with thousands of attendees and grabbing Mark Cuban in particular unfortunately was not under ideal circumstances so we apologize for not being able to have a deeper conversation with him…

But we hope you enjoy some of the revealing tidbits from each speaker …Our takeaway from the conference as a whole is …old school crypto people respect Monero and believe it provides value as digital cash …while the vast majority of attendees don’t even really understand what a true cryptocurrency really is.

They are ironically blinded by the allure of non fungible tokens. We have a lot of work to do to educate crypto noobs about the importance of digital cash. The good news is, we believe they will eventually find their way to Monero.