Ask Christopher West

The Spiritual Fingerprint | ACW189

August 22nd, 2022  •  45 mins 14 secs  •  Download (51.8 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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Can you flesh out the concept of placing our intentions in the womb of the Blessed Mother? Isn't using NFP to avoid a pregnancy less open to life than just having sex without tracking the woman's cycle? As a young woman I sometimes find myself wishing my body was different and I feel that what God has given me is not enough. Does Theology of the Body have any help to offer?

Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute President Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.