
VYS0023 | Mercurial, Mutable, Mysterious Something - Vayse to Face with Paul Weston

June 28th, 2023  •  1 hr 44 mins  •  Download (95.8 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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It's episode 23 and joining Hine and Buckley to pull that cosmic trigger is none other than author, researcher, lecturer and master of synchro-mysticism, Paul Weston. In the way that only Paul knows how, he spins a wonderful, breath-taking web of strange events, synchronicities and bizarre connections which all emerged in a single extremely powerful month in his home town of Glastonbury - How did he end up scattering Courtney Love's father's ashes in the centre of the Glastonbury Zodiac? How does that relate to a series of macabre and grisly murders? And how did the discovery of a swastika on the threshold of Dion Fortune's former residence trigger a waking-dream-proximity-alert? Paul also talks about how Cosmic Trigger is a psycho-active book (a trip he's taken 29 times!), how you can encourage synchronicities in your own life and how to deal with Chapel Perilous when your time comes... recorded 26 March 2023