Love, Joy, and Languages

Episode 17: The Words We Speak

July 4th, 2022  •  18 mins 16 secs  •  Download (20 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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Discussing the power of the words we speak to ourselves about ourselves and about the languages we're learning. Our core beliefs about ourselves as language learners often show up in how we speak to ourselves. If we believe we're too old to learn a language, we'll tell ourselves we're too old, and we'll feel too old. If we believe a language is difficult to learn, we'll say it's too difficult, and we'll focus on all the hard things about the language. These words do not serve us. They hold us back, reduce our confidence, and have the power to negatively influence our entire language journeys. Learning to pay attention to these words and find ways to change them into positive, believable statements is the first step toward challenging the limiting core beliefs we hold.