April 29th, 2023 • 43 mins 13 secs • Download (59.7 MB) • Link with Timestamp
The big story of 2023 is actually linked to the big story of 2022 — the freedom convoy of truckers that stood up to Justin Trudeau and exposed the mainstream media and establishment. But 2023 is the year of Trudeau’s revenge on those blue-collar truckers. Social media videos were the poor man’s broadcasters. But Trudeau doesn’t control them. But as of this week, he can. Enter Bill C-11 — the Online Streaming Act, as it’s known. It does one simple thing and sets the table for many complex things. It gives Trudeau’s hand-picked CRTC regulator jurisdiction over the Internet in the same way that they have jurisdiction over old-fashioned TV and radio. It’s Trudeau’s revenge. And now it's been passed as law.