
Coach's Corner 9: How to BLESS others: The Art of Authentic Evangelization

November 28th, 2023  •  8 mins 33 secs  •  Download (12.1 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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Do you feel a desire to share your faith but worry about coming across as pushy or insincere? I get it. When I go into a relationship with the motive to evangelize, it can be hard to feel genuine. That's why I want to share some practical ways with you to engage others naturally, without any hint of proselytizing. In today’s episode, I delve into the distinction between true evangelization and proselytism, drawing insights from Pope Francis. Together, we'll explore the BLESS method – a practical acronym designed to help us engage with others in a way that feels authentic. And here's a reassuring reminder: none of this is about success. Our Heavenly Father loves you just for trying, just for joining your heart to His, which longs for the return of the lost sheep.