Sales Leadership Podcast

Episode 33: #33: Kyle Morris of SifData—Building a Bullet-Proof Sales Process

February 12th, 2019  •  43 mins 37 secs  •  Download (20 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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This week's guest on the Sales Leadership Podcast is Kyle Morris, founder of SifData. Kyle is a former Special Forces Army Ranger who offers insights from his military experience that he has applied to his highly successful company. He believes that it's hard to stay in high-growth mode for a long period of time. The only chance you have is to have a bullet-proof sales process. According to Kyle, you have to have systems to find the right people and then have systems to plug them into. A mature leader can scale by learning to comfortably delegate. His most important point? You can delegate authority but you can never delegate responsibility. So listen this week—you'll come away with a new appreciation of the 80/20 rule and Commander's Intent.