Merienda Menonita

Episode 55: El perdón es Esencial para la Comunidad - Linda Shelly

November 25th, 2020  •  42 mins 5 secs  •  Download (38.5 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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En esta quinta entrevista sobre “La esencia del anabautismo”, Jonathan y Peter conversan con Linda Shelly, directora para Latinoamérica de la Red Menonita de Misión, sobre la importancia del perdón para la comunidad.

In this fourth interview on “The Essence of Anabaptism,” Jonathan and Peter talk with Linda Shelly, director for Latin America of Mennonite Mission Network, about the importance of forgiveness for the community.

Linda Shelly serves as Director for Latin America with Mennonite Mission Network, encouraging relationships among churches in the United States and Latin America while supporting leadership development and missional initiatives.