Monero Talk

Amir Khazaieli and Brad Yasar: A Miner & Bitcoin OG on Monero

July 26th, 2020  â€¢  1 hr 13 mins  â€¢  Download (67.3 MB)  â€¢  Link with Timestamp

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TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Amir Khazaieli CEO of Alphamine and Brad Yasar an OG bitcoiner since 2009 and influential investor in the cryptocurrency space. Doug, Amir and Brad discuss bitcoin maximalism, if Monero is living up to its value proposition of being a tool that is decentralized, censorship resistant, unconfiscatable, if it does it better than other crytocurrencies. They also talk about Monero vs. Bitcoin mining and if privacy and fungibility are critical features for cryptocurrencies to achieve digital gold status.