Rebel News Podcast

EZRA LEVANT | Politicians create a Frankenstein's monster — now they're upset that it's frightening the townspeople

August 19th, 2022  •  33 mins 58 secs  •  Download (47 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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GUEST HOST: Sheila Gunn Reid

Romana Didulo is the Frankenstein Monster stitched together by the likes of the mayor of Peterborough, Diane Thierren and other unfeeling lockdownist politicos who drove people to the edge. Thierren can't be upset that her creature is trundling around the town, frightening the villagers.

GUEST: Rebel News reporter Jeremy Loffredo joins us tonight to update us on the fight one Amish farmer from Pennsylvania has with the government for the right to sell his produce to whomever he wishes and how you can support the farmer.